Translational Radiobiology
In 2007, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Udo Gaipl founded the working group Radiation Immunobiology. Over the years, the portfolio of the working group has expanded significantly. Subsequently, the Department of Translational Radiation Biology was founded in 2020.
In the department, immune-mediated effects of ionizing radiation alone and in combination with therapies, such as immune and targeted therapy, are studied. Correlations and underlying immunological mechanisms at local and systemic levels play an essential role. Our research field includes tumor-associated vaccination, immune checkpoint blockade, inhibition of DNA repair as well as hyperthermia in combination with radiotherapy. Furthermore, osteoimmunological mechanisms of action of low dose radiation (X-Ray and Radon) are analyzed.
The work has a strong translational character, as the interplay of laboratory and clinical findings is used to optimize multimodal therapies.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Udo Gaipl
Leiter Translationale Strahlenbiologie
Phone: +49 9131 85-44258
E-mail: udo.gaipl(at)uk-erlangen.de

PD Dr.-Ing. Dr. habil. med. Benjamin Frey M. Sc.
Stellvertretender Leiter Translationale Strahlenbiologie
E-mail: benjamin.frey(at)uk-erlangen.de