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Former Group Members

Dr. Hannah Schenker


Bedeutung der Nicht-Professionellen Phagozytose bei Kopf-Hals Tumoren im Vergleich zu Apoptose und Seneszenz.


Cell-in-Cell, Senescence, Apoptosis – an Analysis of Cell Inactivation Processes in Head and Neck squamous Cell Carcinoma (2016) Hannah Miriam Schenker, Büttner-Herold, Maike; Fietkau, Rainer; Distel, Luitpold; Poster Gesellschaft für Biologische Strahlenforschung, Erlangen, 26-28.9.2016
Hannah Schenker; Maike Büttner-Herold; Rainer Fietkau; Luitpold V. Distel. Cell-in-Cell Structures are more potent Predictors of Outcome than Senescence or Apoptosis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Radiation Oncology (2016) 1-9 doi 10.1186/s13014-016-0746-z

Dr. Moni Loibl


Nicht-Professionelle Phagozytose bei Normalgewebszellen


Untersuchung von Normalgewebszellen und Tumorzellen als nicht-professionelle Phagozyten im in vitro Zellmodell und im Gewebe
Phagozytose durch nicht-professionelle Phagozyten; Jacob Seeberg, Monika Loibl, Rainer Fietkau, Luitpold V. Distel; Vortrag Deutsche Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, Berlin 15-18.6.2017
Seeberg JC, Loibl M, Moser F, Schwegler M, Buttner-Herold M, Daniel C, Engel FB, Hartmann A, Schlotzer-Schrehardt U, Goppelt-Struebe M, Schellerer V, Naschberger E, Ganzleben I, Heinzerling L, Fietkau R, Distel LV. Non-professional phagocytosis: a general feature of normal tissue cells. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2019) 9 doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48370-3

Dr. Florian Putz


Nicht-Professionellen Phagozytose


A new in vitro model for cell-in-cell structure formation using the pancreatic carcinoma cell line Bxpc-3 F. Putz, M. Schwegler, R. Fietkau, L. Distel (2011) Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Suppl 1, 103
L. Distel, M. Büttner, M. Schwegler, F. Putz (2011) Cell-in-cell structures in tumours Cell-in-cell structures in tumours; Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Suppl 1, 98
M. Schwegler, B. Abendroth, F. Putz, L. Distel (2011) Formation and incidence of cell-in-cell structures in tumor and normal tissue cells in vitro; Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Suppl 1, 101
Schwegler M, Putz F, Abendroth B, Fietkau R, Distel L, Emergence and prevalence of Cell-in-Cell structures in Tumor and Normal tissue cells in vitro, Strahlenther Onkol, 188 (2012) 124
Putz F, Schwegler M, Fietkau R, Distel L, A new in vitro Model for the Development of Cell-to-Cell Structures. Strahlenther Onkol, 188 (2012) 133
Schwegler M, Wirsing AM, Dollinger AJ, Abendroth B, Putz F, Fietkau R, Distel LV. (2015) Clearance of primary necrotic cells by non-professional phagocytes. Biol Cell. (2015) 107; 372-87. doi: 10.1111/boc.201400090
Schwegler M, Wirsing AM, Schenker HM, Ott L, Ries JM, Büttner-Herold M, Fietkau R, Putz F, Distel LV. Prognostic Value of Homotypic Cell Internalization by Nonprofessional Phagocytic Cancer Cells. Biomed Res Int. (2015) 359392. doi: 10.1155/2015/359392.
Dorian Gottwald, Florian Putz, Nora Hohmann, Maike Büttner-Herold, Markus Hecht, Rainer Fietkau and Luitpold Distel. Role of tumor cell senescence in nonprofessional phagocytosis and cell-in-cell structure formation. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology (2020) 21:79
Alexander Hofmann, Florian Putz, Maike Büttner-Herold, Markus Hecht, Rainer Fietkau, Luitpold V. Distel. Increase in non-professional phagocytosis during the progression of cell cycle. PLOS ONE | February 5, 2021